
Serves 4


 1 14 oz can full-fat coconut cream
 3 egg yolks (save the whites for a sweet potato quiche 🙂
 1 tbsp vanilla
 2 tbsp maple syrup
 ¼ cup Cacao powder
  tsp salt
 fresh berries for topping

In a medium bowl, combine all ingredients, mix well. Chill in the refrigerator, if desired. Divide pudding amongst 4 small bowls or ramekins and top with you choice of berries.


 1 14 oz can full-fat coconut cream
 3 egg yolks (save the whites for a sweet potato quiche 🙂
 1 tbsp vanilla
 2 tbsp maple syrup
 ¼ cup Cacao powder
  tsp salt
 fresh berries for topping



In a medium bowl, combine all ingredients, mix well. Chill in the refrigerator, if desired. Divide pudding amongst 4 small bowls or ramekins and top with you choice of berries.


Chocolate Pudding

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